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    Not only are we green and delicious, we aim to be the fastest brussels sprout in the East.  Right now we are trialing express Delivery for Sydney, and will soon be rolling it out further.

    Express Delivery is available for set boxes and other items showing the speedy sprout 🥦 icon.  If you only have those items in your cart you are eligible for express delivery, otherwise your first available date will be Regular Delivery.


    Eating seasonally and locally - why it matters!

    by Lauren Branson

    Local Eating seasonally and locally - why it matters!

    Yikes, the last minute scramble to get something together for tonight’s dinner party.

    We’ve all been there… With a little help from google however, you’ve found your inspiration and are back on track... ‘Minty Watermelon Salad’ here I come... That’s the one!

    (The picture said it all, you’re already anticipating the ‘likes’ from the insta post you’ll put up tonight..)

    Next stop, the shop... Once you’ve elbowed your way into the fruit department, you locate a dubious looking watermelon priced waaayyyy beyond what you expected….Oh well, it’ll be worth it.

    Now to make... Cut ‘er open and, hmmm, it doesn’tquite look as good as the picture... It tastes ok, but lacks the rich, sweet flavour you imagined…What the..??

    Wanna know what’s going on? Yes you’ve done it again - you’ve purchased the star ingredientout of season!

    Watermelon loves summer. So do cherries, figs, peaches, grapes and, well most fruits actually. It’s pretty hard coming to the fore in freezing cold conditions (unless you’re citrus of course).  

    Happy Watermelon at Your Food Collective

    When you buy fruit and vegetables out of their local season, you’ll pay much more for the privilege, and get far less in terms of flavour and nutrition. But it’s not your fault, it’s so hard to tell what’s in season these days, I don’t think any of us truly know. Thanks to long haul transport, todays winter is tomorrow’s summer when you travel 1500 km overnight.

    And why does it really matter, is eating everything all the time something we should just embrace as part of the modern world?

    You be the judge, here’s why we know choosing seasonal produce is the right thing to do:

    PEAK IS CHEAP... When you buy what's in season locally, you buy food that's at the height of its glory. It’s abundant which means it costs less for local farmers to harvest and transport their produce locally. When you’re eating out of season the added food miles mean more dollars at the check-out for you. When food is abundant it’s also sold at more competitive prices which works in the customers favour.  

    Seasonal eating tip #1 - When fruits and vegetables are in season, buy up big and learn how to store them. Your future self will thank you when you’re slurping back a berry smoothie in Winter!

    RIPE, READY AND SUPER GOOD FOR YOU... Fruits and vege allowed to ripen as nature intended are bursting with authentic flavour and tip-top nutrition. If it has to travel, produce gets picked before it’s ripe. And did you know that unripe foods contain higher levels of the chemical salicylate, which some people are sensitive to? Favouring foods harvested close to you means you get them at their very best - there’s no time for spoilage during a long-haul transit to get to you.

    Seasonal eating tip #2 -for a nutritional edge, gobble up your local fresh fruit and veges as close to purchasing as you can.

    You Food Collective Apple from Hillside Harvest

    INTERVENTION FREE... Foods grown in season grow as nature intended, require little intervention via chemicals and specialised farming techniques. A win for you and the environment!

    Seasonal eating tip #3 -  Wherever possible, favour foods grown organically, locally and in season.


    COMMUNITY AND CONNECTION... Choosing local, seasonal produce is an opportunity to experience the bounty grown right on your doorstep. You might also unearth a new appreciation of the land, producers, and nature’s rhythms.

    Seasonal eating tip #4 - Get to know your local farmers and the passion behind their produce - read about our producershere.

    Your Food Collective Customers at Newcastle Hub The Edwards

    LET YOUR BODY TALK... Have you ever craved light, watery salad vegetables likelettuce and cucumber on a steamy summer’s day? That’s cos your body’s hot and thirsty. Cooler weather will have you wanting warm stews full of comforting root veggies likespuds.  Listen in, and your body will tell you what to eat and when to eat it.

    Seasonal eating tip #5 - Give your body what it wants! Eat what’s in season locally and it will repay you by feeling strong and happy.

    ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER... Certain fruit and vege are synonymous with the seasons. (Think cherries at Christmas and cauliflower in winter).  When you eat in alignment with the seasons, you’ll look forward to your favourite foods arrival, and really notice when it’s not around!

    Seasonal eating tip #6 - Celebrate the seasons! Go mad for your favourites when it’s their time to shine.

    You Food Collective Local Produce Box

    REDUCE DECISION FATIGUE... Do you wrack your brain thinking up dinner ideas for the family? Let availability, abundance andYFC inspire your meal planning! By connecting you directly to local producers you’re getting the best of what the season has to offer and you know it’s all local. You’ll be amazed at how much is actually grown right under your nose.

    Seasonal eating tip #7 - Base your whole meal around one key, seasonal ingredient.

    'TIS THE SEASON... Let your eating be guided by the seasons. You, your family and your taste buds will be rewarded with high quality produce, jam-packed with nutrition, at a lower cost.

    Best of all, we’ve made it easy with our‘What’s new and in season’collection. Take a look, get inspired and dig in!
    Local Lauren Branson
    Lauren Branson

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    It’s all Local

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    We’re Transparent

    Producers receive up to 80% of the price you pay.

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    Build a Better Future

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    Sourced Locally

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    Sustainably Farmed

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    Producers Receive a Fair Price

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    Support Small Scale Farming

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    Your Food Collective - Why we're different

    Food Tastes Amazing and Lasts.

    Your Food Collective - Why we're different
    ;Your Food Collective - Why we're different


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