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    About Express Delivery

    Not only are we green and delicious, we aim to be the fastest brussels sprout in the East.  Right now we are trialing express Delivery for Sydney, and will soon be rolling it out further.

    Express Delivery is available for set boxes and other items showing the speedy sprout 🥦 icon.  If you only have those items in your cart you are eligible for express delivery, otherwise your first available date will be Regular Delivery.


    Millennial Food Trends – The Next Bite

    by Lauren Branson

    Local The Next Generation at Your Food Collective

    It finally dawned on me (yes I’m a slow mover) that I’m not 20 something any more, and, I’m ok with that ( I think…)

    but it made me realise that there was a whole generation that actually are in their 20’s and rocking it!

    The Next Generation at Your Food Collective

    I didn’t know anything about these kids who are going to be shaping our world in a few years time and arguably already are…

    so I made it my business to learn.

    And, based on the current trends set by Millennial's, here’s what the futures most likely to look like when it comes to food...

    The Next Generation at Your Food Collective

    1. Locally Grown – shopping locally has never been more in style (phew!). Millennial's are at the forefront when it comes to knowing when and where their food is harvested. The farm to table moment is becoming a huge influencer on how the next generation are filling their fridges.                                        
    2. Locally Grown at Your Food Collective
    3. Organic/Natural – going hand in hand with shopping locally is sourcing food that’s naturally grown. Millennials are more aware than ever of the cumulative risk of pumping your body full of synthetic flavours and fertilisers. Always seeking out the cleaner, fresher, greener option they are focused on naturally grown foods rather than those that are mass produced.Locally grown at Your Food Collective
    4. Fermented Foods – Foods with live cultures that are free of preservatives and additives. There is nothing new about fermenting foods but they’re coming back into vouge big time. From Kvass to Sourdough by adding more fermented foods to your diet your gut and your brain will thank you. Fermenting is also a great way to preserve food naturally and reduce waste.Fermenting at Your Food Collective
    5. Anything Kale – This super food is turning up everywhere, as chips, smoothies or in salads. Loved my millennial's for its amazing nutritional benefits there’s not many menus without it.Kale at Your Food Collective
    6. Not Meat Meat – vegan, plant based what ever you call it, saying no to meat has never been more popular. In fact the fake meat industry is booming with some looking towards it as the solution to feeding our ever growing population.

    So a long way from the meat and three veg that a lot of us we’re brought up on, Millennial's are shaping our food future with some impressively sustainable decisions!

    Local Lauren Branson
    Lauren Branson

    Also in Your Future

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    Christmas Catch-Up: Will at Brookfarm

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    Local Christmas Catch-Up: The Chesworth Family at Hunter Belle
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    Local Tips for a sustainable Christmas at Your Food Collective
    5 Tips For A Planet-Friendly Christmas

    by Bronni Page

    Celebrating all things festive does not need to come at a cost for our gorgeous planet. Check out our 5 favourite tips and hints for your best and most sustainable Christmas yet!
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    It’s all Local

    On average from 200km of your front door!

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    We’re Transparent

    Producers receive up to 80% of the price you pay.

    Your Food Collective - Build a Better Future
    Build a Better Future

    For you, for producers and for our children.




    Your Food Collective

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    Your Food Collective - Why we're different Your Food Collective - Why we're different

    Picked Fresh for Your Order

    Your Food Collective - Why we're different
    Your Food Collective - Why we're different

    Sourced Locally

    Your Food Collective - Why we're different
    Your Food Collective - Why we're different

    Sustainably Farmed

    Your Food Collective - Why we're different
    Your Food Collective - Why we're different

    Producers Receive a Fair Price

    Your Food Collective - Why we're different
    Your Food Collective - Why we're different

    Support Small Scale Farming

    Your Food Collective - Why we're different
    Your Food Collective - Why we're different

    Food Tastes Amazing and Lasts.

    Your Food Collective - Why we're different
    ;Your Food Collective - Why we're different


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